The Face of God
“Strong writing, edgy…replete with action…Myers’s popular reputation and the book’s link to current events will likely woo readers.” -PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY

The Voice
“Bill Myers writes a crisp, express train read featuring 3D characters, cinematic settings and action, and, as usual, a premise I wish I’d thought of…” -FRANK E. PERETTI
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Best-selling author. Award-winning filmmaker. To date, Bill Myers’ books and videos have sold over 8 million copies. Not bad for a man who never wanted to be a writer.
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Commune: Rendezvous with God Volume Three
“Find out about prayer. Somebody must find out about prayer.”
– Albert Einstein
With the life of his niece’s newborn baby hanging in the balance, our hero continues his off-the-record conversations with Yeshua — sometimes visiting him in Bible times, sometimes amidst the baffling events of his own world. One way or another, through trial and error, and always with a touch of humor, he learns the life-changing truths about prayer.

Inside The Mind
One of the most original minds in supernatural suspense, Bill Myers deftly weaves timeless truths into incredible tales, powerful and thought provoking, his worlds have brought millions of readers not only amazement and entertainment, but also into a deeper encounter with God.
Here, new territories are explored. Old assumptions are tested. Comfort zones are stripped away. Characters are pushed past all imaginable limits as readers are drawn along a spine tingling tour that ultimately brings them face to face with the mystries of God.

Nearly all of Bill’s children’s series have made the bestseller list.
Visit Kids Site

Watch the Silver Dove Films Inter view with Bill Myers hosted by Michael Gier.
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Bill's Blog

How To Create Emotions in Your Stories

Powerful Stories Go Straight to the Heart

The Power of Storytelling

How To Create Emotions in Your Stories

Powerful Stories Go Straight to the Heart

The Power of Storytelling
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